M.Sc. in Logistics - Logistic Systems 

1,5 year (3 semesters), start on the 2nd Week  of February  each year 

Tuition Fees : 9 000 PLN - first semester, 8 000 PLN - each following semester

The Master Program in Logistic Systems is  specialized, graduate program focused on developing advanced Logistics Management knowledge and skills. It covers major areas of Logistics Management, including: Supply Chain Management; Quantitative and Decision Aiding Methods for Logistics; Process and Project Management, IT and Computer Systems in Logistics; Manufacturing/ Distribution/ Transportation Management. Our Programme is consistent with the requirements of the European Logistics Association (ELA) Certificate guidelines .

Our Program is an  action-learning oriented to develop the students’ practical capabilities to run their own businesses. The graduates will also have wide knowledge concerning new forms of business organizations like lean and agile enterprises and receive managerial positions in variety of companies. 

The graduates of the M.Sc. Progam in Logistic Systems can become prospective logistics managers in a variety of manufacturing and service companies, as well as in local and governmental administration. Graduates may easily find their future jobs in all institutions requiring the following skills: designing and enhancing logistics systems and solutions; introducing new logistics concepts and technologies, solving complex, unstructured logistics decision problems; developing and promoting new logistics services; integrating supply chains.