Bachelor Of Arts in Management - BA

3 years (6 semesters), starting on the 1st week of October Each year.

Tuition Fees: 8 700 PLN - each following semester 


A Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Management typically offers a broad overview of management principles, organizational behavior, and business fundamentals within a liberal arts framework. The first-cycle studies in Management at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics provide theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management and related sciences concerning the nature, regularities and problems connected with the operation of an organization. The studies form a sound theoretical and methodological basis to take up the second-cycle. 

Demonstrates the necessary knowledge to diagnose and solve problems related to the basic functions and processes of management: planning, organizing, motivating, monitoring and coordinating, Graduates is able to formulate project problems and to plan and control projects and  to perform basic management functions and processes in economic and administrative organizations,

The studies develop skills necessary to start a career as a specialist or middle manager in a variety of organizations, including businesses, non-profit organizations, public administration units and local self-government at various levels They also prepare for conducting one’s own business.